
Working with Colin requires a distinct openness to accepting and expanding your own personal life in order to positively affect your business as well.  And I personally have not met someone so easy to talk to, and engage in this process with.  It is an absolute joy to have Colin in my life as a coach, and would endorse him endlessly.  I would say I started working with him in a very challenging time of change in my business, and coming through that transformation with him has helped me understand and implement the most positive growth in designing my small company.  I am so grateful for his positive, direct, and encouraging attitude in this evolution.  Jeff Martin, CEO & Founder, Jeff Martin Joinery, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Thank you, Colin! I am grateful for all the work we have done together and continue to do. I wouldn’t be where I am today without your thoughtful guidance, Colin – I am deeply grateful. Michael Leckie | Leckie Studio Architecture + Design, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Colin was a pleasure to work with before, during, and after our last event. His sound bath was a highlight of that experience – not only was it incredibly transcendent, but it felt like he led all 65 guests on an intuitive journey. We look forward to welcoming Colin back again! Reegen Price
YYOGA | Community Marketing Specialist    

During a time of great disconnect from myself and reality I pursued a lot of different therapy and worked with a lot of great people, but Colin’s efficiency in getting me back to my core-happy-self was astounding. Chandra Crawford, Canadian Olympic Gold Medalist

Colin has a great heart spirit, and is able to bring his audience to love. He sets the tone of playfulness, as well as honoring the deep powers of spirit. Nancy Shipley Rubin (Hawaii), author of “The Manifesting Codes 

Thank you, Colin, for our session today.  With each session I can feel myself growing and expanding my capacity to be the best person I can be. Jennifer Buckler, Director, One Wellness + Spa, Canmore, AB, Canada

Colin introduced me to practical, simple, and powerful tools he has developed. These tools help me keep a balanced life, to make decisions through the filter of my ideals and values, and to find perspective when I feel lost. Tim Tewsley | Project Manager, Recollective, Vancouver, BC

When I first read about Colin’s “Crystal Sound Bath” sessions, I was completely unaware of how soothing the experience would be. I have now attended several sound baths led by Colin and it is magical each and every time. This is the kind of ‘gift’ you give to yourself if you enjoy peace, tranquility and the joy of being around kind, compassionate and caring people. Colin and Maren will take excellent care of you! Jena, Vancouver,BC Speaker | Educator | Innovator  

“Thank you so much for the workshop on Saturday!  It was so beautiful and very powerful. You are an amazing healer and teacher.” Veronica

Thank you so very much Sensei Colin.” Lisa

“Saturday was an amazing day thank you so much!” Christina

“The workshop was wonderful.” Luca

“Thank you for today’s hands-on experience. Well done!” Rod

“Thank you, Colin. That was really fun and informative. And so wonderful to meet like-minded people.” Courtenay

“Thanks for the wonderful experience and teaching.”Kulbir   Thank you so much for last night’s event! I’m so glad I know my soul note now. Guess what? I had an extremely good day today. When I wrote my appreciation journal tonight, I had 8 items on my list! I’m not sure if it is just a coincidence or I connect with the universe much better with the soul note, I guess it is the latter, right? LOL. I just want to share this with you and thank you! Carrie W., Vancouver 

Elevating, chakra clearing, Nadi clearing, celestial, melodic; Colin, gifted musically, plays the crystal bowls to create an angelic melody. Amrita Sondhi, owner, Movement Global, designer, yoga teacher, author. Vancouver & Bowen Island

The Chakra Sound Bath that evening was an incredibly uplifitng experience; it was like a symphony that harmonized with the language of your soul. Nevenka Webster, Fitness Professional, Vancouver

Meditation in the realm of Sound Vibration – with Hearing: Of all the outer senses, the one which leads me most directly to my inner being. Colin evokes communication with glowing crystal vessels. Deeply soothing, profoundly calming, allowing me to consciously direct these purifying sound waves to where they feel most beneficial in body & mind. Sometimes, I find myself merging with their galaxy/ocean of luminous Higher Vibration. As we enter “ordinary reality,” Colin may speak, letting us understand more about the unique qualities of these crystal bowl “beings.” I’m really grateful to perceive and experience the Chakra Sound Bath phenomenon.” Barbro Eklund, Vancouver 

I forgot to tell you that my skin is soft now. After last night’s sound bath, Kelly noticed her skin being softer, too. And I told Bill about how my shoulder was so much better after my first sound bath experience with you. He, too, was in pain before the sound bath yesterday; he could not lift his arm before we arrived. Guess what? No more pain! Afterwards, he was moving his arm around like crazy. He is addicted now!!! He did make fun of me about this for a few days before we came. Im loving this now! D.P., West Vancouver, BC

What I got out of the Levels of Consciousness workshop was an excellent review of the levels in a way that related them to some specific life issues. Also, I got that simple question I was looking for, in order to present this process to others easily: “Where am I now and where do I want to go?”—really understanding that, yes, this is a map! What you did so well Colin, was to present a logical step-by-step process in a completely random way, knowing and trusting that by the end the entire map would be complete and that it would be clear to everyone. It sure was! That was amazing how that came about! Like creating a work of art. Thanks so much for your powerful workshops. Jan Rosgen, Surrey, BC

I still remember the uncontainable joy I felt immediately after my first session with Colin. Eileen Novy, Drumheller, AB

I think there is a huge need for more of these workshops. People of all ages can benefit from a deeper understanding of the play between masculine and feminine energies. If I had known more about this at an earlier age, it would have enabled me to deeply enrich every relationship I have ever had. – M.B.

The Art of Life Workshop with Colin was wonderful! EVERYTHING about it was ‘just right’. You demonstrate amazing grace, genius, sensitivity, knowledge, comprehension, warmth, speaking ability, – communication skill – and so much more – in a continuous, relaxed flow through your Being. – So appreciated! – O.R.

Great weekend [“The 12 Soul Powers”]. It was the perfect opportunity for me to finally get out of my hole and on the next step of my journey. Thanks – J.T.

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Discover how life feels when fear, discord, division, confusion, dread, and even anger slip away in an instant. SOUND OF FORGIVENESS features over 144 versions of the ancient Hawaiian prayer for inner conflict transformation, Ho’Oponopono. Colin Hillstrom is an ‘Outlier’ in the field of spiritual life coaching, and an avid student and teacher of A COURSE IN MIRACLES and other non-dualistic thought systems. His hands-on practical approach to transformational living makes this book an instant classic in your self-help tool kit.

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